

※ 公司信息 ※
应用分类:家纺印花, 服装印花, 针织印花, 制衣印花, 纺织印花, 数码印花
生产工艺:丝印, 网印, 数码印刷
康丽数码印花机及NEO墨水 美国杜邦T恤衫印花涂料墨水
经营模式:经销商, 代理商, 服务商 主营行业:
企业类型:私营企业 注册资本:1000000
公司注册地:深圳市 法定代表/负责人:Luffy
年营业额:20000000 员工人数:50
公司成立时间:1983 研发部门人数:
公司面积:100m2 主要经营地点:
主要市场:中国大陆 提供OEM代加工:
质量控制:顶级 月产量:
经营品牌: 证书:
地区: 香港 香港    


香港联泰贸易有限公司是一个历史悠久的企业。早于七十年代已开始扎根于香港活跃于南中国一带从事纺织工业设备代理业务。香港联泰贸易有限公司经历了半世纪的工业浪潮, 在纺织工业曾触及多个生产环节包括纺纱,机织,印染,后整等。近年致力于纺织印花设备代理业务,当中代理品牌都是世界知名的。

香港联泰贸易有限公司现设总部在香港, 初2011年在深圳设立办事处,并致力筹备于福建,上海,江苏等在2013-2014年设立办事处。

于2013年香港联泰与德国 迪策+舍尔 机械制造有限公司 (Dietze + Schell Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG)签定合作关系, 为全中国大陆进行销售与服务。此合作为香港联为踏足于塑胶以及玻璃䊹维工业的重要一步。

迪策+舍尔公司是一家世界l先的制造精密卷绕设备和后整理设备的专业生产厂家。其所生产的设备被广泛应用于纺织,塑胶以及玻璃䊹维工业。例如, 地毯工业,玻璃纤维制造和包装带的制造厂商均使用迪策+舍尔的专业生产线。


迪策+舍尔公司全球有40多个代理商。在美国,捷克有分公司。在2013年更进一步收购了意大利希玛机械制造有限公司 (Italy SIMA. s.r.l.) SIMA是世界范围内公认的制绳机械的l先企业,该机械可用天然纤维和合 成纤维生产广泛应用于工农业的绳索制品。通过对希玛机械(SIMA s.r.l.)的收购使迪策+舍尔公司更能提供一站式全面解决方案给客户。

香港联泰贸易有限公司以”注专创新”为公司发展理念, 致力于为工业发展提出z合适及全面的解决方案。愿景可让合作伙伴,客户,企业自身加强可持续发展的能力。

About Us

We started from early 1970 as a trading company for textile machineries, we based in Hong Kong and active in the Southern part of China at the early stage of business.  We cover a wide range of textile machinery sectors e.g. spinning, weaving, dyeing & finished, and latest we are focus mainly on the printing sector.  Most of our suppliers are the top quality product worldwide.

Global Fortune Limited headquarter located in Hong Kong, and we started up our China office in Shenzhen on 2011.  We are planning to start up the branch office in the coming near future in Fujian, Shanghai, Jiangsu etc.

On 2013, Global Fortune Limited have signed up the strategic cooperation with Dietze + Schell GmbH.  Dietze + Schell is one of the leading companies in the area of high quality precision winders and yarn refining machines.  Dietze + Schell have been delivering their high-tech machines to more than 80 countries for more than 60 years.  On 2013 Italy SIMA s.r.l have join with Dietze + Schell group, SIMA has been recognized throughout the world as a leading authority in manufacturing machinery for making twines and ropes - from all natural and synthetic fibers with widespread applications in agricultural and industrial end uses.  During the last two decades S.I.M.A. has gained recognition in the plastics conversion field with many successful results in extrusion lines such as those for high tenacity monofilament, multifilament, fibrillated film, tape, strapping made of polyester and polypropylene.

With the cooperation with Dietze + Schell group, Global Fortune started a breakthrough on different industrial section e.g. Glass Fibre, Carbon Fibre, and Plastics.  This match with the company core direction “We Bond Industries”.  We focus on providing the latest solution for the industries and join hand to develop the market with our supplier, our ultimate goal is to strengthen the sustainable development capability for our customer, supplier and ourselves.

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